Unexpected Income Program 2022

The Unexpected Income Program is a Plan for Abundance & Prosperity

The Law of Giving and Receiving
By Charles Fillmore

The law of giving and receiving is the law of substance that equalizes all things. To realize and maintain divine order, substance must have both an inlet and an outlet in consciousness, and must be kept moving.

To demonstrate substance as supply, the law governing it must be recognized and kept. Those who, from pride or ignorance, do not open themselves to the inflow of substance do not demonstrate supply, and all who by selfishness refuse it as an outlet, also fail. Everyone must receive freely and give as freely as he receives. Disregard of the basic principle of supply frequently hinders one’s realization of the divine good. Readiness to give and readiness to receive are equally essential.

Tithing is giving a tenth of one’s supply to God and God’s work. Tithing, which is based on a law that cannot fail, establishes method in giving. It brings into consciousness a sense of divine order that is manifested in one’s outer life and affairs as increased efficiency and greater prosperity. It is the surest way ever found to demonstrate plenty, for it is God’s own law and way of giving.

“Freely ye received, freely give.”  Matthew 10:8

Here's How it Works

The foundation of our philosophy stands upon the belief in a Higher Power (God) in the universe seeking fuller expression in our lives. ..."It is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom", as we are more fully expressed, so is God.

Through a conscious and deliberate approach to this higher power (Affirmative prayer) we become more aware of its presence within ourselves and unlock our own potential for abundance. A receptive mind is all that's required for successful demonstration.

On the next panel is a prayer for Unexpected Income. Begin and end your day with it and set a Law in motion for your increased good.

Our Prayer Team will also work daily with YOU. Together we will make wonderful demonstrations of our faith! All you have to do to be included in our program is submit the form on the next page.

My Prayer for Prosperity

I believe that God is the source of all supply and that "money is God in action." I believe that my good is now flowing to me so richly and so fully that I have an abundance of money to spare and to share, today and always. I believe that true prosperity includes perfect health, perfect wealth, and perfect happiness.

These words which I now speak in faith, activates a law of Universal Good and I accept the results.

I bless all the good that is with me now; I bless the increase. I bless all of the others in the Unexpected Income Program and I know that now we prosper together in every way. I give thanks for this good.

So it is! And so I let it be.

Do the forgoing affirmative prayer every morning and evening throughout the Unexpected Income Program period.

Put Me on the List!

I want to be included in the Affirmative Prayer for Unexpected Income and for the general demonstration of increased good in my life. I will share the increase that comes to me in the form of a gift of 10% OFF THE TOP to Renaissance Unity. I understand "Unexpected Income" to mean any increase of money over and above any current normal income.

Please submit this agreement to Renaissance Unity. The Prayer Work will be done daily with YOU from June 26 through September 25, 2022.

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